Les présentes conditions générales fixent les modalités d’utilisation du service web https://lajosephine.fr/
L’utilisateur reconnaît avoir pris connaissance de ce document et accepté l’ensemble de ses conditions.
La Joséphine
La Joséphine exploitant Gîtes et Chambres d'hôtes «La Joséphine»
Immatriculation RCS
current record
TVA INTRACOM : TVA non applicable, art 293 B du CGI.
Conditions générales de vente
for the cottage The contract is formed from the final booking. The reservation becomes effective after receipt of the rental agreement signed or validated online and accompanied imperatively by the deposit provided on the price of the stay, before the date indicated (if mentioned). A copy of the contract is to be kept by the tenant. The lease concluded between the parties to this deed can in no way even partially benefit third parties, natural or legal persons. Capacity: This contract is established for a maximum capacity of people. If the number of tenants exceeds the capacity, the owner can refuse the additional persons, to see cancel the contract. Absence of retraction: For the reservations made by mail, by telephone or by Internet, the tenant does not benefit from the delay of withdrawal, and this in accordance with Article L121-21-8 of the Consumer Code relating in particular to the provision of accommodation services provided at a specific date or periodicity.
for the bed and breakfast The reservation becomes effective once the client has paid a deposit to the owner of 25% of the total amount of the stay with a minimum of one night per room. Prices are all inclusive following the description, excluding tax.
The prices of the stays are not contractual and can be modified without notice. The contractual price is the one fixed at the time of booking. The price fixed during the booking includes: The rental of the lodging furnished and equipped from the day of arrival to the day of departure (see description), Towels for the number of people announced when booking. The price of the reservation does not include: All services other than those mentioned above Heating electricity surplus (meter reading)
Conditions Payment
for the cottage For bookings more than 30 days before the date of arrival, a deposit of 25% is paid by bank transfer. The balance will be paid on arrival at the cottage. In case of late booking (less than 30 days before the rental period) the amount of the rental is paid in full to the booking. You can decide to pay all or part of your stay by bank transfer. /> We have bancontact on the spot and we accept credit cards. We do not accept checks. payment of the charges: At the end of the stay, the tenant must pay to the owner, the expenses not included in the price. Their amount is based on the calculation base mentioned on the present contract and in the descriptive card and a proof is given by the owner.
for the bed and breakfast payment of the balance: The balance is to settle on arrival at the owner by credit card. Consumption and additional benefits not mentioned in this contract are payable at departure to the owner. The tourist tax is a local tax that the customer must pay to the owner who then transfers it to the Treasury.
Use of locations
Accommodation will be provided in accordance with the description and will be maintained in serviceable condition. The client must ensure the peaceful character of the rental and use it in accordance with the destination of the premises and the rules of procedure. Upon departure, the tenant agrees to make the rental without degradation as he found it on arrival. Any repairs of whatever importance, made necessary by the negligence of the tenant during the hiring will be with his load. The sublease is prohibited, even for free, under penalty of termination of the contract.
Arrival inventory
An inventory is established in common and signed by the tenant and the owner or his representative on arrival and departure from the cottage. This inventory is the only reference in case of litigation concerning the inventory. The state of cleanliness of the cottage upon arrival of the tenant must be noted in the inventory.
Deposit (or deposit)
On site, it is possible to pay with a credit / debit card. Upon arrival of the customer in the cottage, a deposit of the amount indicated on the contract is requested by the owner. It will be returned by the owner within a period not exceeding one week after departure of the tenant, after deduction of the cost of the reinstatement of the places or if degradations were noted. Similarly, if it is not possible to do the inventory at the time of departure (ex: night departure or early), the deposit will be transferred by a bank transfer within a maximum period of one week. The amount of any deductions will have to be duly justified by the owner on the basis of the inventory of fixtures, estimates, invoices ... if the deposit is insufficient, the customer agrees to supplement the amount on the basis evidence provided by the owner. This deposit can not be considered as participation in the payment of the rent.
Cancellation by the tenant
Before the arrival in the places: the deposit remains acquired to the owner. This one will require the balance of the amount of the stay, if the cancellation occurs less than 30 days before the scheduled date of the beginning of the stay.
In the case where a tenant does not appear within 24 hours of the date of arrival indicated on the contract, this contract becomes void and the owner can dispose of his lodging. The amount of the rent remains acquired to the owner. (by bank transfer) If the stay is shortened: the price of the rent remains acquired to the owner. There will be no refund.
Cancellation by the owner
The landlord pays the tenant the full amount paid, and compensation at least equal to that that the tenant would have supported if the cancellation had been made by him on that date.
The equipment and installations of the site must be used according to their ordinary destination. All equipment listed in the inventory must be returned to the place it occupied when entering the premises. The tenant tenant is personally liable for any damage, loss or damage to the accommodation itself or to any of the site's facilities, whether committed by himself or the persons staying with him. , or visit him.
The tenant is required to be insured by a contract of his personal insurance or a specific contract limited to the length of stay. The signature of this contract serves as a declaration of honor certifying the conformity of this particular point. The tenant is obliged to inform immediately the owner of any damage occurred. If a tenant does not respect the previous rules, the landlord could take the necessary measures, up to the premature termination of the stay of the offending tenant. In the event that a tenant does not show up in 24 hours after the date of arrival indicated on the contract, this contract becomes void and the owner can dispose of his lodging. The amount of the rent remains acquired to the owner. (by bank transfer) If the stay is shortened: the price of the rent remains acquired to the owner. There will be no refund.
No category 1 or 2 animals classified as dangerous. Pets are allowed provided they have been declared when booking. They must not harm the tranquility and safety of residents, they must comply with the rules of hygiene and integrity of facilities, be covered by the liability insurance of their owner. The client remains in control of the good behavior and good behavior of his animal. In any case, the owner of the house can not be held responsible for the actions of this animal. In case of non-compliance with this clause, the owner may refuse or curtail the stay. In this case, no refund will be made.
Final cleaning
Cleaning is the responsibility of the tenant during the rental period. From the tenant, the cottage must be stored and left in a correct state. If this is not the case, the owner will not refund the full deposit and the final cleaning will be the responsibility of the owner of the cottage. The customer can take a cleaning fee by La Josephine. See rates mentioned.
Visitor's tax
The tourist tax is € 0.90 per person (over 18 years) and per night. There is due upon arrival and will be mentioned in a separate section.
The Cabinon is not liable for: Theft, loss or damage whatsoever, during or after to a stay. Breakdown or decommissioning of technical equipment or installations. Modification of the configuration of living rooms. Incidental events Case of major forces
Object found
Lost property will be shipped on request against a refund of costs.
All claims relating to the stay must be formulated on the spot near the owner to make it possible to find an immediate solution. Any complaint relating to the inventory of fixtures and the state of the description during a hiring, must be submitted within three days from the moment of entry into the premises. In case of dispute, the jurisdiction will be that of the place of the stay. Charter of use of i nternet for the public It recalls the legislation in force to inform, raise awareness and empower users.
Terms of use
The user agrees not to use the WI-FI service (whether free or paid) for illicit, prohibited or illegal purposes. As such, the user must respect, without this list being exhaustive, the regulations relating to: the privacy of every person and his respect; the code of intellectual and artistic property; automated processing of personal data; compliance with the rules of public order concerning the content of information secrecy of correspondence and prohibition of interception of communications transmitted by telecommunications. The user in the context of the use of the service, is also committed to: not to collect or collect information about third parties without their consent; not to defame, disseminate, harass, stalk, threaten anyone, or violate the rights of others; do not create a false identity; do not attempt to gain unauthorized access to a service and / or data and / or file; not to distribute or allow to download all the elements containing the software or other elements protected by the rights of intellectual property, unless it owns these rights or that it received all the necessary authorizations; not to send an unwanted message and not to spam; not to send any message and / or e-mail containing offensive, defamatory, obscene, indecent, unlawful or infringing remarks, including the rights of the human person and the protection of minors; not to transmit viruses, trojans, logic bombs or any other harmful or destructive programs for third parties and / or other users; do not attempt to gain unauthorized access to or maintain an automated data processing system; not to disrupt the services and / or content and / or data to which it accesses; The lessor, at the request of third parties and / or any competent authority, reserves the right to suspend temporarily or definitively any use of the service without its responsibility being able to be sought and without the user being able to claim any compensation or repair. In general, under no circumstances may the lessor be liable for direct and / or indirect damages suffered as a result of the user's use of the service, the latter acknowledging that the lessor may not be liable for content accessed by the user and that accessibility to content and services is not guaranteed and may be suspended without notice.
Droits d'auteur
Tous les textes, les photographies, les images et autres renseignements (collectivement, le «contenu») qui figurent dans le site appartiennent à La Joséphine.
Le contenu est protégé par les lois internationales sur les droits d’auteur et les marques de commerce.
Toute reproduction, modification, diffusion et tout type d'exploitation dépassant le cadre du droit d'auteur requièrent l'autorisation écrite de La Joséphine.
Ce site est la propriété exclusive de
La Joséphine
La Joséphine 85 rue Jean Jaurès 58200 Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire
Responsabilité relative au contenu
Nous sommes responsables de notre propre contenu sur ce site https://lajosephine.fr/.
Nous ne sommes toutefois pas tenus, de contrôler les informations transmises ou enregistrées par des tiers sur ce site.
Nous éliminerons le contenu illégal dès que nous aurons connaissance des infractions correspondantes.
Responsabilité relative aux hyperliens
Notre site Internet contient des liens vers des sites Internet externes de tiers et nous n'avons aucune influence sur leur contenu.
C'est pourquoi nous déclinons toute responsabilité quant à ces contenus externes.
Seul le fournisseur ou l'exploitant des sites Internet accessibles par ces liens est responsable de leur contenu.
Lors de la mise en place de ces liens, les sites Internet auxquels ils renvoient ont fait l'objet d'un contrôle en termes d'éventuelles violations de la loi.
Aucun contenu illégal n'a pu être identifié lors de la mise en place des liens.
Il est toutefois impossible d'exiger que le contenu des sites Internet accessibles par des liens soit contrôlé en permanence sans indices concrets d'une violation de la loi.
Nous supprimerons les liens concernés dès que nous aurons connaissance de ces violations.
Protection des données
Loi Informatique et Libertés : en application de l’article 27 de la loi du 6/01/1978 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, et d’opposition pour toute information vous concernant.
Nous garantissons la protection de vos données personnelles.
Nous ne collectons vos données personnelles par l'intermédiaire de notre site Internet que si vous les saisissez expressément, par exemple dans le cas si vous faites une demande de réservation ou une demande de renseignements.
Les données que vous nous fournissez par ce biais seront utilisées exclusivement dans le but affiché, c'est à dire pour traiter votre demande et pour vous faire parvenir les informations souhaitées.
We comply with the General Regulation on Personal Data (RGDP).
The information collected on the contact form is stored in an email in order to respond to your request. They are not stored in a database.
The information collected on the booking form is stored in our management software to manage your reservation:
They are intended for the management of your account (establishment of the rental contract, billing)
They are kept: during 5 years to respect the legal obligations of NF525 ( obligation to archive billing data for administrative fisc control.
The e-mail address can be used to send information about Joséphine, or the situation of your account.
Your phone number may be used to the follow-up of your reservation, or in answer to your request. It will not under any circumstances be communicated to thirds or used for the canvassing phone. Because we store your telephone number, we are however obliged to inform you of the existence of the opposition list to the telephone solicitation "Bloctel", on which you can register here: https://conso.bloctel.fr/
The information is stored on the servers of the company OVH in France Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
You can exercise your right to access to your personal data and have them rectified by contacting: Hervé Beaulieu on +33 695174558 or by email at contact@lajosephine.fr
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